The address for the game Friday night is 303 South College Street, Claxton GA. 30417
FBLA members attending SGTC tomorrow need to wear your club t-shirt. Dress code must be followed.
Sr. Night festivities will begin around 6:50 tonight. All fall senior athletes, band members, and one act play cast members will be recognized. All participating seniors and their escorts need to be on the track at the scoreboard end of the stadium by 6:45.
The lock down drill at the high school has concluded. Normal operations can resume.
The high school is conducting a lock down DRILL at this time. This is only a drill and normal operations will resume shortly. Please do not come to the school until the drill is complete, you will not be allowed access. Again, this is only a drill.
Congratulations to the boys varsity cross country team for finishing second at the state championship on Saturday. David Williams finished third overall. Thanks for a great season.
Attention Class of 2021: If you have not picked up your class ring, you may do so on Tuesday, November 5th during lunch in the cafeteria. Please pay any remaining balances by calling the Jostens office with a debit or credit card by noon Monday, November 4th. You may also pay with exact cash or a money order on Tuesday, November 5th. No checks will be accepted for class ring payment.
Attention Class of 2020: Order your symbols of success! Jostens will be here to take Announcement, Cap & Gown, and Class Ring orders on Tuesday, November 5th during lunch in the cafeteria. Please bring a $100 deposit and a completed order form to place your order. If you have already placed an order, you may make a payment on the 5th as well.
The Monster Bash has been cancelled but the Band will still be selling Chick-Fil-A at the Flower Shop for $6. Please help support the band!
FBLA members attending the American Enterprise day at SGTC need to have their money and permission forms turned in to Mrs. Cheek by tomorrow. You also need to bring your bag of candy for the downtown trick or treat carnival tomorrow. Also, members please see Mrs. Cheek to pick up your sucker fundraiser.
Students who are taking the Pre-SAT on Wednesday, October 30, are responsible for bringing their own calculator and number 2 pencils. Please refer to your Student Guide, pages 28-29, for calculator use information. A list of acceptable graphing calculators can be found online at
Results are in: the Schley Co. Marching Wildcats received excellent rating at heart of GA band competition.
Congratulations to our band on a great first competition of the year today in Warner Robins.
All students taking the PSAT need to bring a number 2, non-mechanical pencil on Monday and Wednesday.
Next week is Red Ribbon Week: Monday wear red; Tuesday wear silly socks; Wednesday wear your favorite cap; and Thursday wear your favorite boots.
All MS football players championship t-shirt forms need to be turned in tomorrow morning to Coach Scott.
Congratulations to our One Act Play cast on their third place finish at the Area 1 competition today.
The Pre-SAT will be given to all 10th graders, and the 9th and 11th graders who signed up, on Wednesday, October 30, 2019. We will complete the Pre-administration session of bubbling answer documents on Monday, October 28 beginning at 8:10 am. Please be present on both Monday 10-28 and Wednesday 10-30 for the Pre-SAT. If you are a 9th or 11th grader who signed up, please see Mrs. Hernandez to pay for your Pre-SAT. The cost is $17.00.
Jr. Beta will meet this afternoon. Members need to be picked up at 4:15.
One Act Play has their area competition today at the GSW fine arts theater. They take the stage at 9:00 am. You don’t want to miss it.