Students in the Education Pathway need to turn in permission slips for Future Georgia Educators day at GSW by next Tuesday.
High School track starts Monday after school. All paper word must be turned in in order to practice.
Yearbooks are still available for purchase! You can reserve a yearbook with a $20 down payment. Checks can be made to SCHS and given to Ms. Henderson.
If you signed up for the school day ACT, the cost is $43.50. Make checks payable to SCHS and turn in to Mrs. Hernandez. Please make your payment by Monday, January 13.
Just a reminder that the Young Scholars Application is due January 31st. This is a great PAID opportunity for any student who will be 16 by June 1st and is interested in scientific exploration under the guidance of a faculty mentor. There are spots available on all three UGA Campuses: Athens, Griffin, and Tifton.
There will be a short meeting of all students involved in the Literary competition after school today in Mr. Myer's room.
Students taking classes at SGTC during the Sprint semester, please stop by the front office to pick up your information for classes.
The Miss Wildcat Pageant will be February 22, 2020. Forms may be picked up in the front office.
Students just a reminder...Parking decals should be displayed at all times. We will begin checking tomorrow.
Students in Mrs. T. Cheek's and Mrs. Driver's 3rd Block classes will eat 2nd lunch beginning Tuesday, January 7.
FCCLA members, if you are interested in helping with basketball concessions this Tuesday and Friday, please see Mrs. Driver today.
If you were in Mrs.Driver's Examining the Teaching Profession class last semester, please see her today to receive a field trip permission form.
Just a reminder that Junior and Senior dues are due February 1!!! Please see Mrs. Hart to pay them. this is the link for today’s signing.
Congrats to the following High School Band students for making District 3 Honor Band - Higen Colquitt, Carissa Mauldin, Brianna Shannon, Tucker Greene, Gabrielle Register, Dylan Clark, Austin Lusane, and Hana Colquitt.
The Schley County School System is hiring full-time and substitute School Bus Drivers.
Applicants must have (or be able to obtain) a CDL with endorsements, required by the State of Georgia.
For more information, contact Tee Reddish at (229) 937-0550.
The SGTC Orientation for High School students will be on January 6, from 5:00-6:00 in the Hicks Hall Building.
Students will be able to pick up information bags and have their ID’s made for Spring semester. Parents are encouraged to attend as well!
Attention FCCLA members...the club Christmas party will be Wednesday, December 11 from 3-5 in Mrs. Driver's room. Please let her know by today if you will or will not attend.
The Jr. Beta Christmas party will be after school on Thursday. Have your ride here by 4:15. If you would like to participate in the gift exchange, please being a wrapped $5-$10 gift.
There will be a concession stand on Friday, December 13, starting at 1:30.