Attention Class of 2022...Order your class ring on Tuesday, February 4, 2020, during lunch in the cafeteria. You may design your ring at Print your order form and bring with a $100 (spirit pack incl.) or $60 down payment.
almost 5 years ago, Schley County Middle-High School
There will be a Book Fair in the library next week, February 3-7, 2020, from 8:00-3:00.
almost 5 years ago, Schley County Middle-High School
SCHS's FBLA chapter is selling stuffed animals with candy bags to be delivered to the The Playzone, Elementary, Middle, and High School on Valentine's Day. Please help our members raise money for our state competition and order one today. They are $3.00. You may contact a FBLA member or Mrs. Cheek ( to place an order. All orders are due by Monday, February 10. Thank you for your support!
almost 5 years ago, Schley County Middle-High School
Here is the link to the wrestling pictures.
almost 5 years ago, Athletic Director
Schley County High School will be hosting its annual Career Day on Tuesday, February 11, 2020. We will begin at 8:15 and conclude at 11:25. If your business would like to attend and set up a booth, please email Mrs. Cheek for further information at
almost 5 years ago, Schley County Middle-High School
FCCLA members who sold candy but do not have a class with Mrs. Driver, please see her today to pick up your orders.
almost 5 years ago, Schley County Middle-High School
FCCLA members competing in STAR events need to turn in permission slips by tomorrow.
almost 5 years ago, Schley County Middle-High School
Tonight is Sr. night for winter sports. The Wildcats take on Macon Co. beginning with the varsity girls at 6:00, Sr. night festivities will be between games around 7:15 and the varsity boys will play after the conclusion of Sr. night festivities.
almost 5 years ago, Athletic Director
Attention current 8th-11th graders, Dual Enrollment information night will be held on February 13, at 6 p.m. in the high school lunchroom. All are welcome to attend!
almost 5 years ago, Schley County Middle-High School
Attention current 8th-11th graders,please make sure you have turned in your registration sheet for the 20-21 school year. If you need another sheet please stop by the front office.
almost 5 years ago, Schley County Middle-High School
Reminder for all seniors needing to complete FAFSA please sign up for a time in the front office by Friday, January 31.
almost 5 years ago, Schley County Middle-High School
High school students interested in taking or retaking the Accuplacer (entrance exam for SGTC) on Wednesday, February 12, at 8 a.m., at SCHS please sign up in the front office.
almost 5 years ago, Schley County Middle-High School
Congratulations to the FBLA members who competed in the region competition. Our FBLA chapter competed against 17 other schools and won the sweepstakes trophy with having the most wins in the region. 20 of the members advanced to the state competition and will compete again in March.
almost 5 years ago, Schley County Middle-High School
Club Pictures this week: Mon-FBLA, SADD, Livestream, Math team Tues-FFA, 4H, One Act, Sr. Beta Wed-Partnerships for Success, FCA, Characters, Inc. Thur-FCCLA, Student Council Fri-Science, Prom
almost 5 years ago, Schley County Middle-High School
All Literary Quartet and Trio singers will have rehearsal this afternoon until 4:30.
almost 5 years ago, Schley County Middle-High School
Congratulations to your Region 4-A boys basketball champions.
almost 5 years ago, Athletic Director
2019-2020 Boys BB Region Champions
Congratulations to your Region 4-A Middle School Girls Basketball champions.
almost 5 years ago, Athletic Director
2019-2020 Girls BB Region Champions.
The MS Wildcats host the region championship this morning. The Girls take on Marion Co at 10:00 and the Boys host Manchester around 11:15.
almost 5 years ago, Athletic Director
Our MS basketball teams are in the region championship games on Saturday morning at home. The girls play Marion Co. at 10:00 and the boys play Manchester at 11:30.
almost 5 years ago, Athletic Director
We will have TAA today.
almost 5 years ago, Schley County Middle-High School