Layman and Gilpin

Schley STAR Student and STAR Teacher Announced

Grace Layman, daughter of Lowell and Slitra Layman, of Ellaville, has been named STAR Student for Schley County High School for the 2022-23 school year.  She has selected Ms. Ginger Gilpin as her STAR Teacher.

Nominated STAR students must have highest score on any single test date of the SAT taken through November of their senior year, and be in the top 10 percent or one of the top 10 students of their class. Nominee’s SAT scores must be equal to or higher than the 2022 national average scores.  Grace will now compete for region honors and be recognized at a banquet for other STAR teachers and students, along with their parents, at a dinner in Columbus, GA next month.

“What impresses me most about Grace is her character and her leadership,” Ms. Gilpin writes; “her outstanding academic and personal achievements have been realized without compromising her integrity or her commitment to service within the school and community.”  Grace respects and admires Ms. Gilpin as well:  “She’s a great teacher who is very passionate and cares so much about the band and its students….The band has grown tremendously since she took over, and she has helped instill a passion for music in everyone in the band.”

Grace hopes to join a college marching or concert band when she heads off to school next Fall, and she thanks her parents and Ms. Gilpin for pushing her and showing her how fun and uniting a band can be.