Back to School

SCMS/HS Student Guidelines for Beginning School

This guide will give a summary of what students will be expected to follow from the time they arrive to the time they dismiss from school.  Please keep in mind that these procedures/policies are in place to ensure the health/safety of everyone.  These guidelines could be changed/modified. 

 Arriving to School


  • Students will depart the bus once it reaches the bus ramp. 
  • Students will receive a breakfast pack from the cafeteria staff and then head to their 1st period/homeroom class. 
    • Students will be allowed to go to their locker once a locker has been assigned.
    • Students will eat their breakfast in their 1st period/homeroom class.  Trash cans will be available in the hallway.

 Car Riders

  • Students will depart their vehicle once it reaches the front of the school. 
  • Students will receive a breakfast pack from the cafeteria staff and then head to their 1st period/homeroom class. 
    • Students will be allowed to go to their locker once a locker has been assigned.
    • Students will eat their breakfast in their 1st period/homeroom class.  Trash cans will be available in the hallway.
  • Students will depart their vehicle and walk to the side entrance by the AG/Shop
  • Students will receive a breakfast pack from the cafeteria staff and then head to their 1st period/homeroom class. 
    • Students will be allowed to go to their locker once a locker has been assigned.
    • Students will eat their breakfast in their 1st period/homeroom class.  Trash cans will be available in the hallway.


  •  Students will depart their vehicle and walk to the side entrance by the AG/Shop
  • Students will receive a breakfast pack from the cafeteria staff and then head to their 1st period/homeroom class. 
    • Students will be allowed to go to their locker once a locker has been assigned.
    • Students will eat their breakfast in their 1st period/homeroom class.  Trash cans will be available in the hallway.

 Class Changes

Middle School

  • After the first few weeks of school, MS teachers will have a controlled class change that will be coordinated by class group.  Designated areas during the class change will be explained by the teachers to students.
  • Book bags are to be stored in their locker before homeroom.  Students will be allowed to carry book bags to PE/Weight Training.  After PE/Weight Training, the book bags must be stored in their locker. 
  • Students will not dress out for the first few weeks in PE.  Students will be expected to wear athletic shoes during PE which will require students to have these for class.

High School

  • The only bells utilized will be the 8:00 AM bell to start school.  Class changes will occur by announcement over the intercom.
  • Students will be dismissed in a smaller group to a designated area with their teacher. 
  • Once all students have been moved from their classroom to a designated area, we will then begin calling teacher names to report to their classrooms along with the students that have those teachers.
  • We will continue this process until all students are in their next period class.
  • Book bags are to be stored in their locker before 1st Block.  Students will be allowed to carry book bags to PE/Weight Training.  After PE/Weight Training, the book bags must be stored in their locker. 


The cafeteria has been reduced to 50% of its capacity.  Teachers will be placed on a rotation to allow as many classes as reasonable to eat in the cafeteria.  We also have outside seating to accommodate extra classes outside. 


Student Drivers & Car Riders

  • Both student drivers and car riders will be dismissed at 3:00 PM.
  • Student drivers are expected to get their items needed from their locker, report to their vehicle, and leave campus immediately.
  • Student drivers who have athletic activities after school will be expected to drive to the athletic fields once they report to their vehicle.
  • Student drivers are required to take a right turn onto Old Hwy 19.
  • Car riders will report to the following areas for pick-up:
    • 6th & 7th Grade will report to the main entrance car rider loop
      • Students with older siblings in the 8th-12th Grade will report to the Student Parking Lot.
    • 8th-12th Grade will report to the Student Parking Lot
  • Car riders are expected to get their items needed from their locker and report immediately to their pick-up area.
  • 6th & 7th Grade
    • Please enter your vehicle as soon as you can.
    • Parents will need to turn left from the car rider loop and proceed toward the bus ramp entrance and exit. (We are utilizing the student parking area for 8th-12th Grade pick-up and need to minimize traffic in that area)
  • 8th-12th Grade
    • Parents will turn in to the high school entrance/exit that leads to the athletic fields. 
    • Please park your vehicle on the service road.  Cars will need to pull down toward the Orange Cones.
    • Please enter your vehicle as soon as you can.
    • Parents will turn left into the student parking lot and proceed to the back lot.
    • Parents will follow the back lot to the high school entrance/exit they came into.
    • Parents leaving campus are required to take a right turn onto Old Hwy 19.

Bus Riders

  • Students will be dismissed beginning at 3:05 PM.
  • Middle School bus dismissal will occur first.  High school will follow.
  • Bus riders are expected to get their items needed from their locker and report immediately to the bus.
  • Students will not be allowed to switch buses to ride with a friend home.