
Football Summer Workout Groups (June)

Monday- Thursday 8:00 -12:00

3 Groups

Group 1            7:50-9:00 a.m. (Skipper, Aldridge)

Group 2            9:10- 10:30 a.m. (Peavy, G. Smith, Dupree)

Group 3            10:45- 12:05 a.m. (Alford, Burgess, S. Smith)

Guidance for returning to conditioning on June 8, 2020 with recommendations and/or restrictions. All summer work is voluntary. Workouts are conditioning only, no balls or sport specific equipment. Schley County has prepared an Infectious Disease Prevention Plan for staff and athletes returning to conditioning. Staff and athletes will be screened and documented prior to each workout.

 Signage will be posted on site with the following: (Students or staff who do not meet criteria will not be allowed to participate in June).

• Do you or have you had a fever in the last week?

• Have you been diagnosed with COVID-19?

• Have you been in contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19?

• Have you traveled to a “hot spot” for COVID-19?

Groups of 20, including coaches, for workouts per sport at any given time at the campus/facility. Groups should be the same individuals (including coaches) for each session to limit risk of exposure. Amanda Methe the Athletic Trainer will be at all sessions. Student or coaches CANNOT change groups for the duration of this guidance. No use of locker rooms or shower facilities. Students can use the rest room facility. Students should report to the facility dressed to condition (shirts, shorts and tennis shoes are mandatory for the weight room) and shower at home. You must take your cleats with you daily. Students will report to the back door (Stadium side) of the weight room and exit the front door (School Side). After the workout is over, students must leave the facility. Do not enter the facility until prompted by your coach, there can be no crossover of groups. Weight equipment will be cleaned prior to and after each workout and sanitized between use by each student. Hand sanitizer will be plentiful and readily available. Each student should have their own personal water bottle and will be given two water bottles daily. No use of water fountains or “water cows” is allowed. Side spots only in weight training, safety bars are preferred. Social distancing should be adhered to always and masks/face covering are recommended for the weight room. If a student needs a facemask please let me know so I can get enough for them. 15 minutes will be scheduled between groups to allow for disinfecting the facility. There is no competition allowed between schools. No visitors are allowed at conditioning sessions. Recommendations and restrictions are fluid and subject to change. Safety must be our top priority.

Parents please make sure you are available to get your child at the proper time. We will adhere to the time schedule even if we are not finished with the activity that is planned for the day.

If you have any questions, please email or call Coach Alford.