Star Student

2024-2025 Star Student

Connor Rhyne, the son of Tracy and Chuck Rhyne, has been named Schley County High School’s STAR Student. He has selected William Rooks, his AP Government teacher.

The PAGE Student Teacher Achievement Recognition (STAR) program, now in its 67 th year, is sponsored, administered, and promoted by the Professional Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE) and the PAGE Foundation. Since its creation, the STAR program has honored nearly 30,000 students and the teachers they have selected as having had the most influence on their academic achievement. To obtain the 2025 STAR nomination, graduating high school seniors must have the highest score on a single test date on the SAT and be in the top 10 percent or top 10 students of their class based on grade point average. Students then compete for school system titles, and those winners compete for region honors. Region Winners compete for the honor of being named State PAGE STAR Student. STAR Teachers continue on with their STAR Students at every level of the program.

Connor recognizes that “Coach” Rooks cares about what he teaches and the students he teachers. “The way he presented the information stuck with me; I did not just remember, I truly learned it.” Connor plans to attend the University of Georgia or Georgia Tech and hopes to pursue a mechanical or electrical engineering degree.

“Connor is the type of student every teacher wants to teach,” Coach Rooks said, “and every coach wants to coach. He combines outstanding intellect with a strong work ethic.” Coach Rooks said it’s a “tremendous honor” to be selected by Connor. “He did all the work; I was just fortunate enough to get to witness it.”